A commercial invoice is necessary when shipping material to the U.S. and some other countries. Please check with your carrier for the exact requirements of the country to which you are shipping materials. A sample commercial invoice form for the U.S. can be accessed through this hyperlink. It may be copied for use.

The commercial invoice consists of the following parts:

1. Airbill #

2. Date of shipment

3. Name & complete address of shipper, including telephone number.

4. Name & complete address of recipient, including telephone number.

5. Country of origin

6. Destination country

7. Complete description of shipment: (This is very important, because U.S. Customs will hold the shipment up if the information is incomplete)

a. Number of packages

b. Type of packaging (envelope, box, etc.) Does it contain ice packs or dry ice? Sample description: box with ice packs.

c. Description of contents:

(1) human blood/serum

(2) amount

d. Weight of package

e. Statement about value of shipment

f. Purpose of shipment

g. Reason for shipment

8. Statement of certification.

For international shipping label (VERY IMPORTANT) - specimens of human blood for medical tests - non hazardous, non infectious - NO ANIMAL OR PLANT MATERIAL - no commercial value .